Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Domain Name System and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

Domain Name System (DNS)
Domain Name System (DNS) is a system that allows name of a host on a computer network or the Internet translated into IP addresses. In giving the name, the DNS uses architectural hierarchy:
a) Root-level domains: is the top level of the displayedas a dot (.).
b) Top-level domains: code category or state organizations such as: . com for use by the company;. edu for use bycollege;. gov for use by government agencies. In addition 22 was to distinguish the use of name by a country with Other countries use such marks. id to Indonesia or. au to Australia.
c) Second-level domains: is the name for the organization or company, for example: microsoft.com, yahoo.com, etc.

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
IP address and subnet mask can be given automatically using the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, or filled manual. DHCP function to provide IP addresses automatically on a computer that uses TCP / IP protocols. DHCP works with client-server relationship, where the DHCP server provides a groups of IP addresses that can be given to the DHCP client. In This gives the IP address, DHCP lends an IP address only them. So giving the IP address takes place dynamically.


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