Sunday, September 18, 2011

Damage or faults in the network hardware and software

Damage or Hardware error
Damage or hardware errors that often happens is that the Network Interface Card (network card), pengkabel and connectors. Damage or fault on the network is often caused by the connection (relationship) is not well between components and component malfunction due to dead or damaged. a) Network Interface Card (network card) Physically to recognize that the network card has been atkif or inactive can be seen on the indicator light located in the network card when the computer is on and the network card has been associated with a network cable then the indicator light must be lit. If not lit means that there are problems or damage to the network card. In the software to know that the network card has been working or active can be viewed at:
(1) Click Start> Settings> click Control Panel (2) Select double-click the system icon menu select Device Manager
There can be seen that the network card is already known or not. When you are known then the computer's network card can work or actively. b) Wiring and Connectors Selection of communications media using cable as a liaison between computers is an ideal medium in comparison with other media such as the RF (radio frequency), IR (Infra Red) or telephone line because it is cheap, easy and have a fairly high data rates. But errors in the wiring rules, the quality of the cable itself, and the layout or topology of the network often interfere with the cable network system. 

Damage or Software error

The problems that often arise on the part of this software in general can be grouped by:a) Error setting network configurationConfiguration setting errors often occur on the network card that uses the ISA model because we have to determine:(1) Video port I / O(2) Number interrupt(3) Direct Memory Access Request line(4) Buffer Memory AddressUnlike the model card ISA network card that uses PCI model does not need to set as it automatically becomes available.b) Protocol error usedThis often happens on the network card that uses the ISA slot because the determination must be done manually. If we use the protocol model of the PCI network card that rarely happens when we have installed drivers correctly.c) Errors of IP addressing.Every computer on a network is the identification of a unique address, so it is not allowed to have the same address. IP addresses within the same network is not allowed because it is an identity for each computer in the network for data communication, in case the same address then the two computers can not access the network due to the seizure of the address number.d) Error Identification Client and server computersDetermination of server computers and client computers must be clear to client server networks, in contrast to the peer to peer network there is no determination of client and server.e) Error Service Network (file and print sharing)Service network (file and print sharing) could be due to an inactive file and print sharing which we reach is not active or are we not doing file and print sharing.f) Security System ErrorPassword entry errors when we enter into the network so that we can not enter the network due to security errors (password).g) Damage to the program files, so it needs to be updated.Program files that cause damage to the operating system can not run or cause the network card can not work (not active).To be able to make improvements in the software errors can be done by resetting the software in accordance with the provisions in the network. Here are some cases that is often caused by networking operating systems:- Unable to Login in the networkCan not enter the network means the client can not access the network as a whole.- Unable to find other computers on the network neighborhood lists. If the hardware and software is no problem to do restart the computer to store all the data that we have an update to the operating system.- Can not share files or printers.Sharing files or printers is open access to other computers to access or view our data. Unable to share files or printers can be due to the data or the printer is not in sharing. to be able to do the sharing can be done by right clicking the share.- Unable to install network adapter.This case is usually caused by sorfware network card that does not fit between the driver with a network card or network card installation is not perfect on the mainboard, so the computer can not recognize the network card.Things to do with the checks on whether the network card is properly inserted or the network card was installed with default drivers.- Other computers can not be entered into our computer.Other computers that can not be entered into our computer when we can get the computer to another computer because we have not made data sharing or printer sharing.These cases can be resolved if no errors occur when software on the network card settings. Setting the network card is very important to the relationship between computers, if something goes wrong then cause the computer can not be connected in a network. Error checking should be done one by one carefully in accordance with the conditions set on the network include IP numbering and subnetmask on the protocol used, the name Workgroupnya and so on.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Domain Name System and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

Domain Name System (DNS)
Domain Name System (DNS) is a system that allows name of a host on a computer network or the Internet translated into IP addresses. In giving the name, the DNS uses architectural hierarchy:
a) Root-level domains: is the top level of the displayedas a dot (.).
b) Top-level domains: code category or state organizations such as: . com for use by the company;. edu for use bycollege;. gov for use by government agencies. In addition 22 was to distinguish the use of name by a country with Other countries use such marks. id to Indonesia or. au to Australia.
c) Second-level domains: is the name for the organization or company, for example:,, etc.

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)
IP address and subnet mask can be given automatically using the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, or filled manual. DHCP function to provide IP addresses automatically on a computer that uses TCP / IP protocols. DHCP works with client-server relationship, where the DHCP server provides a groups of IP addresses that can be given to the DHCP client. In This gives the IP address, DHCP lends an IP address only them. So giving the IP address takes place dynamically.

IP Address Classes

To simplify usage, depending on the needs of users,
IP addresses are divided into three classes as shown below
Class Network ID Host ID Default Subnet Mask
A xxx.0.0.1 xxx.255.255.254
IP addresses are given for the class A network with a number of hosts
very large. IP Range -, there
16,777,214 (16 million), an IP address in each class A. In the IP address class
A, the network ID is the 8 bit first, while the host ID is 24 bits
next. Thus, how to read the IP address class A,
for example is:
Network ID = 113
Host ID = 46.5.6
IP address numbers above mean 46.5.6 host on the network number 113.
IP addresses are usually allocated to class B-sized networks
medium and large. In class B IP address, network ID is 16 bits
First, while the host ID is 16 bits next. Thus,
how to read a class B IP address, for example,
Network ID = 132.92
Host ID = 121.1
IP host address above mean number 121.1 on the network number 132.92.
With a length of 16-bit host ID, network with IP address class B to
accommodate about 65,000 hosts. IP Range -
Class C IP address originally used for small networks
(LAN). Host ID is 8 bits last. With this configuration, can be formed
about 2 million networks with each network has 256 IP
address. IP Range - 223.255.255.x.
The allocation of IP address is basically the process of selecting the network ID
and host ID is right for a network. Appropriate or not
This configuration depends on the objectives to be achieved, namely
allocate an IP address as efficiently as possible.

Network Type

The network type associated with the network operating system. There are two types  network, ie client-server and peer to peer type network.

a) Client-Server Networks 
Servers are computers that provide facilities for komputerkomputer  others in the network and the client is a computer-computer  who receive or use the facilities provided by the server.  Server in client-server type of network called a Dedicated Server  because the pure act as servers that provide facilities to  workstations and servers can not serve as  workstation.  

· Higher access speeds due to the provision of network facilities and  management is carried out exclusively by a single computer (server)  that is not burdened with other tasks such as workstations.
· Security systems and network administration is better, because  there is a computer that served as the administrator network, which manages the administration and network security systems.
· Data backup system is better, because on a client-server network backups performed centrally at the server, which will backup all
data used in the network.
· Cost is relatively more expensive operation.
· Required the presence of one particular computer which enabled more to be assigned as a server.
· Tissue viability depends on the server. When the server  impaired the overall network will

b) Peer To Peer Network

When viewed from a server role in both types of networks, the  server in the network of peer to peer type is termed non-dedicated server,  because the server does not act as a pure server but at the same time  can serve as workstation.

· Inter computers in the network are able to share facilities  who has such as: hard drive, drive, fax / modems, printers.
· Cost relatively cheap operation compared with the type  client-server network, either because they do not require any  server that has a special ability to organize and provide networking facilities.
· Viability of the network is not dependent on a single server.  So if one computer / peer dead or damaged tissue as a whole will not experience interference.

· Troubleshooting network is relatively more difficult, because the tissue type  peer to peer every computer it is possible to engage in  existing communications. In client-server network, communication is between the server and workstation.
· The performance is lower compared to client-server network,  because every computer / homework in addition must manage the use of  network facilities also have to manage the job or the application itself.
· Network security system is determined by each user  to regulate the safety of each facility owned.
· Since data networks spread in each computer in  network, the backups should be performed by each computer them.