CD-ROM is widely used as a CD-ROM is a reliable storage media, large-capacity (700 MB), durable, inexpensive and fexibel to be brought everywhere
B. Hardisk
Hardisk Insatalasi also be done melaluai master hard drive that already contains the operating system. Harsdisk a storage medium that must be possessed by every computer
C. NFS Image
NFS Image Installation of network operating systems (linux redhat) can be done via NFS Server. For installations with NFS Server takes network or PCMCIA boot diskette (bootnet.img)
FTP Installation of network operating systems (linux redhat) can be done via FTP Server. To install the FTP Server takes network or PCMCIA boot diskette (bootnet.img). The installation process requires access to the network via FTP so it is seldom done because the distribution of the operating system to other media easy to get
HTTP Installation of network operating systems (linux redhat) can be done via HTTP Server. To install the HTTP Server is required network or PCMCIA boot diskette (bootnet.img). Just as the FTP installation process will be slow if the network computer is not good